Enumeration for Fix tag 281 ( MDReqRejReason)
Tag Description
0 Unknown symbol
1 Duplicate MDReqID
2 Insufficient Bandwidth
3 Insufficient Permissions
4 Unsupported SubscriptionRequestType
5 Unsupported MarketDepth
6 Unsupported MDUpdateType
7 Unsupported AggregatedBook
8 Unsupported MDEntryType


Reason for the rejection of a Market Data request. Valid values: 0 = Unknown symbol 1 = Duplicate MDReqID 2 = Insufficient Bandwidth 3 = Insufficient Permissions 4 = Unsupported SubscriptionRequestType 5 = Unsupported MarketDepth 6 = Unsupported MDUpdateType 7 = Unsupported AggregatedBook 8 = Unsupported MDEntryType